Tuesday, January 31, 2012

misunderstanding between words in Beverly Hillbillies

The words are petroleum, oil, wildcatting, telephone, airfield, big bird, million dollars.

Petroleum - in the first episode where the man came in and told them about the petroleum company would pay money for the oil in the swamp. The Hillbillies were confused and didn't know what to think why the company wanted the oil or waste in the swamp. The hillbillies thought it was waste and wanted it gone.

Oil- the hillbillies thought the oil in the swamp was waste and did not want the waste in their swamp.

Wildcatting - the hillbillies thought the man from the petroleum company was going to chase wild cats but he meant, American term for a person who drills wildcat wells, which are oil wells drilled in areas not known to be oil fields.

Telephone - the hillbillies had not idea what the man was talking about with the word telephone, they thought he was crazy and weird.

Airfield - the hillbillies thought the man meant a field in the air floating when the man asked where was the nearby airfield.

Big Bird - the hillbillies thought the helicopter was a big bird in the sky when they saw it and tried to shoot it down and they hit it and made it land.

Million Dollars - the hillbillies did not know what to think when the man said he would pay them in million dollars because the hillbilly knew about silver dollar, coins, and dollars but did not know about a million dollar amount the petroleum man meant.

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