Wednesday, March 7, 2012

midterm business card, envelope, and letterhead

This is my business card midterm I had to do. I made the card look flashy but have some color in it to bring out  and make the viewer be interested. I choose red and black because they contrast each other and pop more together. I gave the boxes a light blue shadow to go with the blue in the picture I added to the business card as well.
This next midterm is my business envelope. I went with black and red again for the contrast. I choose to add boxes with shadows to give some design to the envelope and the boxes that are overlapped would not be on the envelope when printed. 

This next midterm is my letter head. I went with black and red also to keep the color repeating for repetition. I put a watermark for my last name for the customer and put my information on the letterhead also.  

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